Some remarkable occurrences in my life go far beyond mere coincidence.
To me, they prove the interconnectedness of everything in creation.
A visitor to my blog took note of my medical condition, and mentioned it recently to a friend of hers, a medical researcher at a major U.S. university.
It turns out that this researcher developed an experimental drug that may be helpful for people like me with parathyroid cancer.
This is an extremely rare disease, so the odds against such a perfect confluence of timing and circumstances are quite high.
But I don't think it's just a coincidence.
The blog visitor gave me the researcher's e-mail address and we began a correspondence. The drug is now being tested in clinical trials at five hospitals
[1/13/06 update: I erroneously reported four in my original post] in the United States, one of them the hospital where I'm being treated.
I forwarded the information on the drug study to my endocrinologist at that hospital. She said she is familiar with this clinical trial but didn't think it would be beneficial for me. Her understanding was that the drug wasn't especially effective against parathyroid cancer. She quickly added, though, that if any evidence developed to the contrary, she would be interested.
I indicated these misgivings to the researcher. And he responded with evidence.
Now, my endocrinologist is interested.
Is all this a coincidence?
I don't think so.
Everything happens for a reason. Everything is interconnected. I don't think there's anything mysterious or magical about it. That is, unless I insist on complicating things and making it so.
My eldest sister called this whole sequence of events a "cosmic coincidence." I'm inclined to say that it's cosmic, but basic.
No smoke, no mirrors.
Of course, this may all turn out to be a potential option that wound up a dead end.
But I think to dismiss it as just that would be to miss the point entirely, and tragically.
The point is, we're all in this life together, and empathy and compassion are what make it bearable.
When we manifest compassion, wonderful things can happen.
I got the results of my Friday blood test this afternoon, and my serum calcium level has risen since the last test. I'm not surprised. I was expecting this. This level fluctuates, but there are existing medical options to control it -- not to mention the possibility of the new study drug.
The fight is over only when a person concedes defeat.